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Paramonova Daria Sergeevna  (National Research Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogareva)

Tyurina Natalia Alexandrovna  (Candidate of Medical Sciences, National Research Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva)

Pleshkova Ksenia Igorevna  (National Research Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogareva)

Davydova Elena Alexandrovna  (Postgraduate student, National Research Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva)

The problem of artificial abortions is more urgent than ever for modern medicine. Many modern women resort to aborting an unwanted pregnancy. The history of abortion dates back to the times of pagan antiquity – Plato wrote: "Midwives can assist pregnant women or have a miscarriage if desired." And if in ancient Rome abortion was not considered something shameful and forbidden, then with the advent of Christianity they began to be considered a crime. The Russian Soviet Republic became the first country in world history to legalize abortion in 1920. Abortions entail a large number of complications, and in ancient times, when medicine was only at the origins of its development, this procedure often led to the death of patients. But, fortunately, medicine does not stand still – soon surgical and vacuum (together – artificial) methods began to be used in practice, which, however, also had a large number of complications, but less often led to death. Today, medicine has stepped far forward, and in obstetric and gynecological practice, mainly medical abortions have been used, entailing a much smaller number of negative consequences. This article discusses possible complications of medical and artificial abortions in women in the Republic of Mordovia, and also compares these types of abortion. As a result of the study, it was found out that medical abortion is more effective and safer for terminating unwanted pregnancies in residents of the Republic of Mordovia, as it entails a much smaller number of negative consequences, and also preserves women's reproductive health, in comparison with outdated methods for artificial abortion.

Keywords:fetal egg, medical abortion, Republic of Mordovia, artificial termination of pregnancy


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Citation link:
Paramonova D. S., Tyurina N. A., Pleshkova K. I., Davydova E. A. THE STRUCTURE OF COMPLICATIONS OF MEDICAL AND ARTIFICIAL ABORTIONS IN WOMEN IN THE REPUBLIC OF MORDOVIA // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№02. -С. 174-178 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.02.28
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