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Lavrenyuk Vladimir Valeryevich  (FGBOU VO "Pacific State Medical University " assistant; GBUZ "Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2" Head of the infectious diseases department, infectious disease specialist; CHUZ "Clinical Hospital "RZD-Medicine" pulmonologist Vladivostok )

Kovalenko Galina Viktorovna  (GBUZ "Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2" infectious disease specialist Vladivostok)

Kudlaeva Julia Alexandrovna  (GBUZ "Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2" infectious disease specialist Vladivostok)

Galimova Elena Sergeevna  (GBUZ "Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2" infectious disease specialist Vladivostok)

Goncharova Julia Vadimovna  (Pacific State Medical University )

In this article, we analyzed several cases of patients with HIV infection who were diagnosed with CME. We studied the clinical picture, laboratory data, microbiological studies and treatment results in each patient. In addition, we also conducted a literature review to consider the most effective approaches to the treatment of CME. In our study, we studied 10 cases of CME in HIV-infected patients. The diagnosis was confirmed by the detection of Cryptococcus neoformans in the patients' cerebrospinal fluid. All patients had typical clinical manifestations such as headache, fever, seizures and changes in their state of consciousness. In all cases, a successful clinical recovery was achieved. Patients experienced an improvement in symptoms, a decrease in the number of fungi in the cerebrospinal fluid and restoration of immunity after treatment. In addition, we will also discuss existing recommendations on the duration and treatment regimens of CME in HIV-infected patients based on our results and literature data.

Keywords:Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis, HIV, treatment, diagnosis


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Citation link:
Lavrenyuk V. V., Kovalenko G. V., Kudlaeva J. A., Galimova E. S., Goncharova J. V. CRYPTOCOCCAL MENINGOENCEPHALITIS IN PATIENTS WITH HIV INFECTION. CASES OF SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2024. -№07/2. -С. 227-233 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2024.7-2.18
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