Alexandrova Olga Stepanovna (candidate of philosophy, associate Professor, Vladimir state University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolay Grigorievich Stoletov)
The work is devoted to the philosophical and metatheoretic aspects of the problem of human Self and its changes. The change of the human Self is a little-known problem that is directly related to the security of the individual and society. This is indicated by the underlying assumptions of many of the proposed solutions, which do not actually have sufficient justification. These include, in particular, the explicit and implicit identification of Self and personality, and the assertion that most of the human Self belongs to the unconscious. The existing technologies of consciousness manipulation and its changes, to which belongs the well-known method of psychocorrection of I. V. Smirnov, are based on them. But are these assumptions true? A. S. Pozov's research, the analysis of which is devoted to our article, helps to clarify this and other topical issues.
Keywords:human Self, personality, consciousness.
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Citation link: Alexandrova O. S. S.A. Pozov about the nature of the human «I» and change // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№07. -С. 65-68 |