Tarayanc Artem Valerievich (a clinical psychologist, hypnology, Pavlovskaya gymnasium)
Gipodinamii dominant system of needs — a method of psycho-correction work with the use of gipnosuggestevna techniques focused on psychological work with a clinical norm. It can also be used for psychological care, not related to the treatment of clinical mental symptoms, when working with non-normal in the absence of endogenous mental disorders. The method developed at the Moscow clinical psychologist hypnology, Tarayanc Artem Valerievich.
Keywords:psychology, hypnosis, psychotherapy
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Citation link: Tarayanc A. V. Gipodinamii system dominant needs // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№09. -С. 76-83 |