Khaibulina Elvira (Saint Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics)
The article`s authors has been analyzed the study results about worldview of Orthodox, Catholics, Buddhists, ISKCON`s members with external and internal religious orientation types. The associative-propositional model of B. Gavronsky and G.V. Bodenhausen is a basis of this research. The study shows that the proposition content have a links with the personal meanings of the worldview amodal layer. At the same time, incongruent with amodal layer elements are being supplanted by more significant elements. The associative component is influenced by the religious environment only in two cases: if there is a long-term interaction of culture and religion in the context of history or in case of the intense influence by religious group.
Keywords:representations, APE-model, worldview, G. Allport, religious orientation types, methods of limiting meanings.
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Citation link: Khaibulina E. The worldview of persons with various religious orientation types in ape-model`s context // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№11. -С. 57-61 |