Lisyutina Olga (RUDN University )
Kogotkova Serafima (RUDN University )
Objectives: the article is devoted to the problem of influence of personal characteristics (temperament) on learning languages. The article reveals the outcomes of the experiment held in the group of the second- year students in a non-linguistic university. The author worked out the criteria of the formation of linguistic groups to achieve the best fecundity of the studies.
Procedures and methods of research: the research was held in the fprm of an experiment. 30 second-year students of RUDN Economic Department were divided into two groups according to their psychological peculiarities (temperament) for studying a foreign language (English)
The outcomes: the outcomes of the experiment demonstrate the efficiency of differential approach based on the temperaments. However, it should be noted that the group of “phlegmatics” and “melancholics” showed better performance than the group of “sanguines” and “cholerics”
Practical significance: in order to enhance the effectiveness of teaching foreign languages to non-linguistic students one should consider psychological peculiarities with regard to temperament.
Keywords:temperament, sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic, learning difficulties, learning activities, experiment
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Citation link: Lisyutina O. , Kogotkova S. The influence of temperament on learning abilities while studying a foreign language // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№12. -С. 61-65 |