Vasilenko T. (Kursk State Medical University)
Esenkova N. (Kursk State Medical University)
Shevchenko A. (Kursk State Medical University)
The article discusses the features of the identity of adolescents in conjunction with family relationships in terms of psychosomatic illness (for example, chronic gastroduodenitis). The results of an empirical study of 120 subjects, including 60 adolescents 13–15 years old, and 60 mothers, are presented. The specific characteristics of the identity of adolescents with psychosomatic disorders (violations of the temporal and activity aspects of identity, low level of formation of gender identity, undifferentiation of the components of identity) are revealed. In addition, the features of the mother’s relationship with the teenager, as well as the personality characteristics of the mother, which make it difficult for the adolescent to build a coherent and consistent identity, are identified.
Keywords:identity, adolescence, psychosomatic disorder, crisis, gender identity, intimate-personal communication, hyperprotection
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Citation link: Vasilenko T. , Esenkova N. , Shevchenko A. Psychological peculiarities of identity of adolescent in the conditions of psychosomatic disease // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2018. -№12. -С. 51-54 |