Ogui Viktor (Independent researcher, (Nizhny Novgorod, RUS))
Tarasenko Anna (Independent researcher, (Nizhny Novgorod, RUS))
Any mental experience is reflected in one way or another in the physical body of a person: in posture, tension of certain muscle groups, habitual movements. By acting on this reflection, by changing motor stereotypes, can be solved specific psychological problems, get rid of internal conflicts, eliminate the somatic symptoms of mental trauma, which are understood as physical manifestations of emotional experiences and underlie the etiopathogenetic chain of all psychosomatic diseases.
The theory and practice, special methods and techniques of psycho-correction of psychosomatic disorders have been developed in various areas of body-oriented psychotherapy. This article describes the mental and physical effects of "singing bowls", which we recommend to use as a tool for vibro-acoustic massage.
At present, it has been proven that vibroacoustic stimulation of the body can cause relaxation states of various emotional valences and, in general, the psychological, psychotherapeutic and physiological effects of vibro-acoustic effects are colossal.
Keywords:vibroacoustic massage, the method of «singing bowls», health, psychosomatic disorders, bodily psychotherapy.
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Citation link: Ogui V. , Tarasenko A. Psychosomatic disorders of functional systems of the organism in adults: psychotherapeutic help (based on the example of the “singing bowls” method) // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№05. -С. 67-73 |