Parshikova Galina (Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Bryansk State Technical University)
The article shows the connection between language and consciousness as self-organizing, non-equilibrium systems actively interacting with the external environment. The main provisions of their interrelation are revealed and substantiated, the features and properties of consciousness and language are analyzed. The main methods of knowledge representation, synergetics, nonlinearity, complexity, self-organization are considered and applied. The inextricable link between language and consciousness is underlined.
Keywords:Language, synergetics, fluctuations, attractor, frame, reflection.
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Citation link: Parshikova G. Consciousness through the prism of language and synergetics // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№06. -С. 129-131 |