Saveleva Irina Petrovna (Candidate of cultural studies, associate Professor, Nizhnevartovsk state University)
The article refers to one of the pages of the history of Russian music - the genre of Russian romance. For more than two hundred years the attitude to the genre of romance has been changing in Russian public life, but the mental need of the Russian man for confession has found its organic embodiment in the traditions of Russian songfulness, which have been successively transmitted to Russian romance. Numerous works on the history of Russian music examine in detail the Russian romance from its inception, but the second half of XX and the beginning of XXI centuries still require reflection.
Keywords:Russian musical culture, romance, evolution, genres of Russian romance, Russian song, Elegy, ballad, songwriters.
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Citation link: Saveleva I. P. Formation and evolution of the Russian romance genre in the history of Russian music // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№06. -С. 27-30 |