Makarenko Ivan Ivanovich (Ph.D., St. Petersburg Christian University)
The article identifies topical issues and problems of modern leadership culture. Mechanisms of influence of spiritual and material values on the person, and also process of formation of identity of the leader are analyzed. It is argued that effective and moral leadership is possible only in the presence of certain personal qualities, principles and values. Three key factors necessary for the process of becoming a Mature personality and the formation of identity are considered: self-knowledge, self-esteem and the ability to self-awareness.
Keywords:leadership, administration, values, person, identity, awareness.
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Citation link: Makarenko I. I. The role of values in the formation of a leader’s ident // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№07. -С. 77-80 |