Yakovleva Katerina Viktorovna (candidate of biological sciences, associate professor, State educational institution of higher professional education of the Luhansk people's Republic «Luhansk national University named after Vladimir Dahl »)
The article explores approaches to the definition of the concept of «professional-personal self-regulation». The author approaches this problem by identifying the frequency of semantic attributes of the concepts of «self-regulation», «professional self-regulation», as well as identifying the specifics of semantic attributes depending on the approach. The article analyzes the specifics of professional and personal self-regulation of a specialist in the field of adaptive physical education. The author’s refined definition of the term «professional self-regulation» in the context of personal self-realization in this professional field is given.
Keywords:professional and personal self-regulation, concept and definition, approaches to definition, frequency of semantic attributes, specificity of professional activity, specialist in the field of adaptive physical education
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Citation link: Yakovleva K. V. To the question of determining the essence and features of the professional-personal self-regulation of a specialist in the field of adaptive physical culture // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2019. -№12. -С. 111-113 |