Danilkina Daria Sergeevna (PhD Student, Moscow State University)
the article analyzes the methodological possibilities of pairing an extremely important area of modern interdisciplinary knowledge - neurobiology. on the one hand, and the preservation of important positions in the field of psychology of psychoanalysis, on the other. The correctness of the application of the dynamic localization method proposed by the Soviet scientist A.R. Luria, to the ideas of psychoanalysis.
Keywords:neuropsychoanalysis, neurobiology, psychoanalysis, consciousness, behavior, interdisciplinarity
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Citation link: Danilkina D. S. Neuropsychoanalysis - a new look at human nature or a substitution of meanings? // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2020. -№06. -С. 43-48 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2020.06.04 |