Davydenkova A. G. (PhD, Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University)
Kovalenko N. G. (PhD, Saint-Petersburg State Agrarian University)
This paper analyzes the methodological foundations of the theory of knowledge of European and Russian schools of thought. The views and methodological foundations of the socio-humanitarian research of Descartes, representatives of German classical idealism, etc. are considered as the leading directions of European rationalism. The methodology of empiricism in the humanitarian sphere is presented by English empiricism of the classical period, as well as views on the leading role of social experience in the teachings of French enlighteners. In the context of Russian philosophical developments, the leaders of the Russian enlightenment, modernists and guardians of the early nineteenth century, as well as representatives of the culture of the Silver Age, were concerned about methodological problems. This study reveals the attitudes of scientists from different cultural and historical eras to the laws of obtaining knowledge both in the field of natural science and knowledge of the social and humanitarian. The emphasis is placed on their assessment of the importance of philosophy as a general methodology of scientific knowledge. The twentieth century is regarded as a retrospective example of the construction of a synthetic philosophy, which today has acted as the basis for the methodology of the synergetic paradigm and scientific criticism of postmodernism.
Keywords:methodology of cognition, philosophy of science, philosophical epistemological schools, classical philosophy, postmodernism.
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Citation link: Davydenkova A. G., Kovalenko N. G. To the question about the cognition methodology of the humanities: history and modernity // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2022. -№02. -С. 67-73 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.02.05 |