Panukova Julia G. (Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Russian State Agrarian University (Moscow); Psychological Institute, Russian Academy of Education (Moscow))
Reva Alina R. (post-graduate student, Russian State Agrarian University (Moscow))
In this article, the authors consider scientific works devoted to the study of problems related to both the negative and positive impact of the working environment on the psychological well-being of employees. In authors’ opinion, studies on this topic can be characterized as followers. Firstly, those that are of a general descriptive nature and indicate aspects of the psychological workplace environment that are important for the well-being of workers. Secondly, those that try to explain the relationship between a certain set of characteristics of the workplace environment and well-being, as well as to better understand how the workplace environment affects the creation of a psychological surrounding, including an explanation of emotional reactions and the characteristics of people's relationships in the place of work. We believe that increased attention to specific health state, taking into account more careful study of the influence of the working environment and consideration of both beneficial and harmful effects, is likely to lead to a greater understanding of this problem.
Keywords:workplace environment, working conditions, people's health, psychological well-being.
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Citation link: Panukova J. G., Reva A. R. Relationship between workplace environment and psychological well-being of employees // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2022. -№03. -С. 78-85 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.03.20 |