Arutyunyan M. P. (Doctor of philosophy, Professor, Pacific National University)
Podolskaya O. S. (Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Pacific National University)
The article deals with the methodological idea of "language games" and the origins of its formation in L. Wittgenstein’s works. Using the methodology of historical, philosophical and phenomenological research, the authors explore the evolution of the meanings of language game idea from its origins, stated by L. Wittgenstein while overcoming the logocentrism of the positivist interpretation of language (in particular - recognition of the exclusivity of meanings of its semantic and syntactic interpretation) - to the potential of the functioning of language games in the linguistic reality of humanitarian cognition.
The authors refer to the most important "methodological turns" of the XX century philosophy: linguistic, anthropological, existential-phenomenological, in the contexts of which you can see development and substantiation of the methodological potential of the idea of "language games" in the philosophy and methodology of humanitarian cognition.
The phenomenon of metaphor is analyzed as the most important element of the language reality and the logic of the linguistic games in the conditions of modernity. The authors reveal the complex ontological nature of the language (in its essential purpose - to unite the integrity of the "Man" - "World" in existence), draw a general conclusion about the deep ontological nature of the "language games", their architectonics and functional purposes. Language games are intended to register not only the logical-semantic constants and linguistic features of the language, but also its capacious communicative and existential potential of linguistic reality.
Keywords:language, language game, language reality, Wittgenstein, the logic of positivism, the methodology of humanitarian knowledge, worldview, metaphor.
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Citation link: Arutyunyan M. P., Podolskaya O. S. The idea of "language games": methological origins and evolution // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2022. -№04. -С. 118-121 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.04.03 |