Kozlova L. V. (Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art) (Moscow))
Kostrigin A. A. (Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Kosygin Russian State University (Technology. Design. Art) (Moscow))
The article discusses the features of communication on the Internet. One of the main characteristics of Internet communication is the use of emoji as a means of conveying non-verbal information and the emotional state of interlocutors. The problem of understanding and perception of emoji by a person is posed, and their role in interpersonal communication is discussed, various types of emoji (positive and negative) are distinguished. It is suggested that the preference for different types of emoji in Internet communication may be due to the communicative characteristics of the individual (emotional awareness, the ability to manage one's own emotions, empathy, style of interpersonal relationships, etc.). The study revealed differences in the level of expression of communicative features in young people who prefer different types of emoji, and the relationship of the noted personality characteristics.
Keywords:communication traits, emoji, Internet communication, emotional intelligence, aggressiveness, style of interpersonal relationships.
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Citation link: Kozlova L. V., Kostrigin A. A. Communication peculiarities of youth prefering positive and negative emoji in internet communications // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2022. -№04. -С. 64-69 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.04.10 |