Stepanova Nataliya Anatolevna (candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, FSBEI of HE «Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University» )
Ionova Sofia Alexandrovna (FSBEI of HE «Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University»)
the article is devoted to the disorder of psychomotor development of primary schoolchildren with autism spectrum disorders. The authors present the theoretical information revealing the content of the concept of «psychomotor development». The diagnostic methods which allow to study the state of development of the psychomotor sphere through the study of its parameters are given. The article describes the results of an empirical study of psychomotor development in elementary schoolchildren with ASD, reveals the specific disorders in the development of psychomotor functions and provides their qualitative analysis.
Keywords:psychomotor development, autism spectrum disorders, primary school age, praxis, psychomotor disfunctions.
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Citation link: Stepanova N. A., Ionova S. A. Disorders of the psychomotor functions in schoolchlden with autism spectrum disorders // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2022. -№05. -С. 44-48 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2022.05.17 |