Being a model of successful economic transformations, modern China is coming close to understanding that in order to effectively implement environmental tasks, it is necessary to create an ecological culture, because. a person who has mastered an ecological culture forms the ability to measure his existence and needs with natural possibilities. The task of today, facing Chinese scientists, is, first of all, the formation of a deep holistic vision of man in his unity with culture and nature; vision adequate to the current situation and able to give a clear prognostic situation. A necessary condition for such a vision is a new ecological culture. It is based on the concept of harmony between man and nature, fixed in such religious and philosophical teachings as Taoism and Confucianism, the generation and embodiment of all the spiritual experience of the previous national civilization. The ecological culture of Chinese society, being one of the manifestations of culture in general, covering the sphere of relations between man, society and nature, determining the possibilities of man in creating the noosphere, is distinguished by its diversity and richness of content. The diversity and richness of ecological culture requires a deep and comprehensive study of the ecological traditions of various peoples. In this regard, the analysis of China's ecological culture, oriented towards a humane approach to solving environmental problems, is of great importance. The future of China is impossible without a new understanding of the components of ecological traditional culture, and on this basis, the formation of a national idea of ecological culture in a new modernized version, which has the above goal. But the process of forming such a culture is extremely complex. It includes the processes of transformation and socio-cultural actualization based on the knowledge and moral creation of a person as a natural link in the evolution of the "man - nature - society" system. The modern spiritual world of Chinese civilization is no longer isolated and closed in its principles. The mutual influence of cultures is now acquiring a new quality, influencing the process of formation of the general life orientations of people, which are dictated by the change in the conditions of their existence. New priorities and values, where the cultural and ecological tradition occupies one of the leading places, impose new requirements on social thinking, which objectively pushes for a rethinking of the very phenomenon of culture in the concept of modern trends in the social and spiritual progress of the Chinese nation. The formation of ecological culture is a complex and multifaceted process. Its necessary condition is the awareness of the social conditionality of man and nature.
Keywords:ecological culture, Confucianism, Taoism, Chinese philosophy, spiritual culture.