The teaching of arts in elementary general education schools is in line with the state policy of cultural nationalism in the PRC and is focused on developing the cultural capital of students in the period of "reform and openness". If in the early period (1949-1979) a cultural break with tradition was declared and revolutionary plots and the style of socialist realism dominated, then at the present stage, cultural continuity with the traditional (classical) heritage is being restored with the widespread use of Western artistic ideas, techniques and modern technologies. The dialogue of the Chinese tradition and Western innovations can be traced in the composition, style and structure of the fine arts textbook, which corresponds to the modern trends of metamodernism.
Ключевые слова: иллюстрации, Китай, искусство, учебник изобразительного искусства, композиция, стиль, структура
Keywords: illustrations, China, human arts, art textbook, composition, style, structure