Systemic Constellations came to Russia more than 20 years ago. Today, this method of psychotherapy is acknowledged by professionals and is included in the list of psychotherapeutic and consulting modalities of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League (PPL). However, there are still practically no articles on constellations in academic publications. This state of affairs slows down research in this area and inhibit constellations to develop as a scientifically based method. The description of the case, which has descried in this article, is going to give a possibility for look at the method in more detail for all interested parties. Also, will provide additional information to researchers in the field of modern methods of psychotherapy.
Keywords:psychotherapy, modern methods of psychotherapy, system constellations, deputies, effective method, psychotherapeutic help, time-stable result, case description, relationship with daughter, transmission of trauma, intergenerational transmission, trans-generational transmission, ancestral system, ancestral influence