The article is devoted to the actual problem of motivation of high school students' professional choice. After all, adolescence in domestic psychology is considered as a psychological age of transition to independence, a period of self-determination, formation of worldview, moral consciousness and self-consciousness. One of the most important lines of development of this period is the process of professional self-determination, which culminates in a professional choice. It is important to understand that choosing a career is a complex, multidirectional process that requires careful preparation and reflection. In making this choice, you need to consider a variety of psychological aspects: your interests, abilities, and individual characteristics, as well as environmental factors such as the social status of the profession, employment opportunities, and salary. The article presents the results of the research conducted on the psychological aspects of motivation of high school students' professional choice.
Keywords:motivation, motive, professional choice, professional self-determination, senior school age, choice, career guidance