Pukhir Valentina Mihailovna (candidate of Philosophy Sciences
Associate Professor
Federal budget state scientific institution
«Russian State University named after A.N.Kosygin
(Technology. Design. Art. )». )
The article defines the essence of the business compliment, their difference from praise and from flattery. In this article presented kinds of compliments in business communication, mechanisms of creating business compliments and ways of their increasing. Also author give the correct answers for compliments. In the article there are many examples from the personal experience of business communication. The author provides concrete and practical recommendations.
Keywords:compliments, praise, flattery, positive emotions, effective communication, active forms of behavior, mutually beneficial relationships, dialogue, values, beliefs, self-identification.
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Citation link: Pukhir V. M. Functions of business compliments in labor collectives // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2023. -№02. -С. 123-127 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2023.02.17 |