Maksimenko M. V. (Ph. D. (Philosophy), Assistant Professor of the Perm Institute of the FPS of Russia )
The article explores the regulations that set out the moral requirements and prohibitions imposed on law enforcement officers. The text of the article analyzes the objectives of codes of professional ethics and examines ways of formalizing and fixing moral norms using specific examples. The existential meaning of codes of professional ethics in modern society is proven. The article concludes that professional codes are indicators of the moral maturity of society. The consolidation of moral standards in codes of professional ethics is a necessary condition for punishing violators of professional moral norms.
Keywords:code of professional ethics, professional ethics, professional morality, law enforcement, official conduct
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Citation link: Maksimenko M. V. THE IMPORTANCE OF CODES OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2023. -№12. -С. 132-134 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2023.12.13 |