Berestok Tatyana Borisovna (Postgraduate student,
Moscow University of the Humanities
Kabanova K. V. (Postgraduate student,
Moscow University of the Humanities
The article is devoted to the social and age aspects of ideas about the well-being of life and psychological safety within the framework of the analysis of the life situation of elderly people in the information space of modern society. Elderly people are vulnerable to information threats in the modern world, which has a negative impact on psychological well-being and perception of the safety of their life situation. Age-related social characteristics, a decrease in the level of physiological health and cognitive processes, increased suggestibility, social deprivation and stress in old age are conditions that activate the effect of information threats. Reflectivity, prosocial behavior, and stress resistance act as personal resources in overcoming information threats and ensuring psychological well-being in old age.
Keywords:psychological well-being, old age, social deprivation, life safety, information space, information impact
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Citation link: Berestok T. B., Kabanova K. V. SOCIO-AGE ASPECTS OF IDEAS ABOUT THE WELL-BEING OF LIFE WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE ANALYSIS OF THE LIFE SITUATION OF ELDERLY PEOPLE IN THE INFORMATION SPACE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№02. -С. 17-20 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.02.02 |