Torubarova Tatyana Viktorovna (Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia
Osipova Varvara Aleksandrovna (Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article analyzes the problem of essence in the context of understanding the human dimension of being. It is proved that it is the essence that is the evidence of the being principle in man. The process of transformation of the essence of man in the modern world is explicated. The conclusion is made that the question of essence is a question of identity, self-existence of a person. In terms of clarifying the specifics of the essential certainty of a person (in the disposition of the general and the individual), the process of human individuation in a social context is considered. It is noted that modern reality is based on an anthropocentric paradigm. In this regard, the authors appeal to the origins of its formation in the Western European thought tradition, which opens the way to understanding the specifics of the essential nature of man, awareness of key trends that largely determine the modern world order. It is argued that the understanding of human existence in the context of its leading determinants determines the vector of semantic interpretation of the essence, reveals the process of its transformation.
Keywords:essence, existence, man, being, world, substantial subject, identity, identity, society, individuation, anthropocentric paradigm, power, technology, history.
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Citation link: Torubarova T. V., Osipova V. A. UNDERSTANDING THE ESSENCE AS A MANIFESTATION OF THE HUMAN DIMENSION OF BEING // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2024. -№10. -С. 142-146 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2024.10.26 |