Migranov Nail Galihanovich (Dr. of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Ufa)
Voitik Vitalii Viktorovich (graduate student, Bashkir State Pedagogical University, Ufa)
We shall correct the requirements, which imposed Nelson on rotation matrix for the most general transformation into a rigid non-inertial frame of reference. These requirements are consistent the proper rotation non-inertial frame of reference.
Keywords:Nelson, rotation matrix, non-inertial reference system
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Citation link: Migranov N. G., Voitik V. V. Commentary on an article Nelson // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2013. -№03-04. -С. 3-7 |