Kuznetsova E. G. (FGBOU VPO "Chuvash
state university
of I. N. Ulyanov (Cheboksary)
Yakovlev G. E. (FGBOU VPO "Chuvash
state university
of I. N. Ulyanov (Cheboksary)
This article discusses the processes further deepening of regional development through the factor space. The authors emphasize that the significance of this problem is due to the processes of regionalization of the economy and granting extended rights and increased responsibility for the outcomes of the Regional Directorate of production. The necessity of developing regional policies for sustainable spatial development. For effective spatial development, the authors offer to adopt laws at the federal level, a clear governing and regulatory implementation phases of spatial development regions.
Keywords:factor space, regionalization of the economy, sustainable spatial development, regional policy, monitoring, spatial development policy.
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Citation link: Kuznetsova E. G., Yakovlev G. E. Space factor in economic development of regions // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ЭКОНОМИКА и ПРАВО. -2015. -№11-12. -С. 42-45 |