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Stable-functional osteosyntech of fractures of the proximal bones of the forearm

Kallev N.   ()

Ataev A   ()

Ganiev M.   ()

Mirzoev N   ()

Magaramov A   ()

The present paper presents the treatment outcomes of two groups of patients with fractures of proximal metaepiphysis of the bones of the forearm at the age of 17 to 76 years. The first group includes 62 patients with fractures of the ulnar process, head and neck of the radius bone, who received surgical treatment using traditional submersible fixators (screws, plate, spokes, etc.). The second group consisted of 68 patients with identical injuries, who performed compression osteosynthesis of fractures using the external fixation apparatus developed by us with a dynamic compression device. The outcomes of treatment of patients in the periods of 3 years and 5 years revealed, in the first group good results in 41 (79.1%) patients, satisfactory - in 14 (22.6%), unsatisfactory - in 7 (11.7%). In the second group, treatment outcomes were 54 (79.4%), 11 (916.2%) and 3 (4.4%), respectively.

Keywords:fracture, treatment, osteosynthesis.


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Citation link:
Kallev N. , Ataev A. , Ganiev M. , Mirzoev N. , Magaramov A. Stable-functional osteosyntech of fractures of the proximal bones of the forearm // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Естественные и Технические Науки. -2022. -№08. -С. 185-190 DOI 10.37882/2223-2966.2022.08.20
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