Yurkova Irina Gennadievna (Associate professor, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of the department of personnel management and organizational psychology of Kuban State University.)
Skripnichenko Lyudmila Sergeevna (Associate professor, candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor of the department of personnel management and organizational psychology of Kuban State University.)
Tkhagalizhokova Lyubov Vladimirovna (Senior lecturer, candidate of psychological sciences, department of personnel management and organizational psychology, Kuban State University.)
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the motivational sphere of professional athletes of one of the sports clubs in Krasnodar. At the request of the head of the organization, the name of the club is not published, the data is presented in a generalized form. The total sample size was 65 people. To solve the tasks, the following psychodiagnostic methods were used: the methodology developed by V.I. Tropnikov «Studying the motives of sports», the methodology of K. Zamfir in the modification of A. Rean «Motivation of professional activity», the methodology for diagnosing socio-psychological attitudes of personality proposed by O.F. Potemkina and the methodology of SJO (test of meaningful orientations) D.A. Leontyeva.
The results of the study demonstrated that the key motives for playing sports are: the desire to become famous, the desire to increase prestige, thrills and aesthetic pleasure, the development of individual personality traits and characteristics, high-quality fulfillment of tasks, collectivist orientation. Based on the results of the work, recommendations were developed for the leaders of the sports club, which need to be implemented to improve the motivation system.
Keywords:motivation, professional athletes, motivational sphere, labor resources, personnel management, social and psychological attitudes, value orientations, sports club.
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Citation link: Yurkova I. G., Skripnichenko L. S., Tkhagalizhokova L. V. STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF MOTIVATIONAL SPHERE OF PROFESSIONAL SPORTSWOMEN // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: Познание. -2025. -№01. -С. 71-74 DOI 10.37882/2500-3682.2025.01.19 |