Chaly Alexander Nikolaevich (Teacher
Military Academy of Logistics named after General of the Army A. V. Khrulev, Omsk Armored Engineering Institute
The article considers the process of modeling the educational process for the formation of the value attitude of cadets of military universities to the security of military service, which is associated with the system of formation of value orientations of a future officer in the process of professional training.
Keywords:Pedagogical systems, model, modeling, innovative pedagogical technologies, axiology, security of military service
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Citation link: Chaly A. N. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL MODELING IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS FOR THE FORMATION OF THE VALUE ATTITUDE OF CADETS TO THE SECURITY OF MILITARY SERVICE // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2023. -№06. -С. 117-121 DOI 10.37882/2223-2982.2023.6.37 |