General biology
Biochemical composition of products obtained by microbiological conversion of lignocellulosic substrates with mycelial mushroom Bakshaliyev A. E., (Sumgayit State University, Azerbaijan, Sumgayit) Musayeva V. H., (Azerbaijan State Economic University, Baku) Huseynova A. A., (Institute of Microbiology of the NAS of Azerbaijan, Baku ) Nematova U. V., (Azerbaijan State Economic University, Baku) Hasanova A. R., (Sumgayit State University, Azerbaijan, Sumgayit)
P. 7-11 |
Free radical oxidation and antioxidant status in animals under the action of small doses of the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid Krasikov S. I., (doctor of medical science, professor, FSBEI HE ORGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Orenburg)) Boev M. V., (doctor of medical science, professor, FSBEI HE ORGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Orenburg)) Sharapova N. V., (ph.d.n., associate Professor, FSBEI HE ORGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Orenburg)) Karmanova D. S., (senior lecturer, FSBEI HE ORGMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Orenburg))
P. 22-27 |
Comparative toxicological characteristics of cobalt, copper, copper oxide and zinc nanoparticlesChurilov G. I., (Ph. D., associate Professor, Ryazan state medical University named after academician I. p. Pavlov») Obidina I. V., (doctor of biology, assistant, Ryazan state medical University named after academician I. p. Pavlov») Churilov D. G., (doctor of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Ryazan state agrotechnological University named after P. A. Kostychev») Churilova V. V., (postgraduate student, Ryazan state agrotechnological University name of P. A. Kostychev») Polishchuk S. D., (Professor, Ryazan state agrotechnological University named after P. A. Kostychev»)
P. 28-34 |
Composition of fish oil, soybean oil and flaxseed oil and their effects on the formation of bone tissue Elbahnasawy A. S., (Post-graduate student, Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Russia, Kazan) Valeeva E. R., (Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Kazan (Volga) Federal University University, Russia, Kazan)
P. 35-41 |
Computer science, computer engineering and management
HMAC research on an example of an authorization call-answer method Zyuzin D. V., (Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics) Vdovenko D. V., (Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics) Bolshakov V. N., (Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics) Busenkov A. A., (Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics) Krivdin A. D., (Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics)
P. 81-87 |
Information security tools for corporate clients Makshanova L. M., (candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Buryat state University named Dorji Banzarov, Ulan-Ude) Toktohoeva T. A., (senior lecturer, Buryat state University named Dorji Banzarov, Ulan-Ude ) Tsybikova T. S., (candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, Buryat state University named Dorji Banzarov, Ulan-Ude)
P. 88-92 |
Developing a mathematical model for traffic analysis using HausdorffmetricsMakshanova L. M., (candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor, Buryat state University named Dorji Banzarov, Ulan-Ude) Tonkhonoeva A. A., (associate Professor, Buryat state University named Dorji Banzarov, Ulan-Ude) Tsybikova T. S., (candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor, Buryat state University named Dorji Banzarov, Ulan-Ude)
P. 93-96 |
Principles of forming a hierarchical system of performance indicators for the operation of a special purpose communication network Savvateev V. V., (military unit 92088) Pylinsky M. V., (Federal state military educational institution of higher professional education "Military Academy of communications named. Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budennogo " (St. Petersburg)) Zakharchenko A. S., (military unit 5583) Krivtsov S. P., (Federal state military educational institution of higher professional education "Military Academy of communications named. Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budennogo " (St. Petersburg)) Plut M. N., (Federal state military educational institution of higher professional education "Military Academy of communications named. Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budennogo " (St. Petersburg)) Sarafannikov V. S., (Federal state military educational institution of higher professional education "Military Academy of communications named. Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budennogo " (St. Petersburg))
P. 124-130 |
Clinical medicine
Prevalence of dental anomalies and deformities in childrenBril E. A., (MD, associate professor, Krasnoyarsk state medical university of a name of professor V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky ) Makarchuk T. M., (Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky) Ivanov A. N., (Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky) Cherepanova D. S., (Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky ) Petrova V. V., (Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky ) Snytko T. V., (Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky)
P. 167-171 |
To the question of the relationship of insulin resistance with vitamin D. deficiency Veitsman I. A., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Altai State Medical University) Pergaeva J. S., (Endocrinologist, KGBUZ Regional Clinical Hospital) Andrienko A. V., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Altai State Medical University) Kuzmina A. D., (Altai State Medical University) Marshalkina P. S., (Altai Medical University)
P. 172-175 |
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer Verzakova I. V., (doctor of medical Sciences, Bashkir State Medical University) Putenikhin S. Y., (postgraduate student, Bashkir State Medical University) Gumerova G. T., (candidate of medical Sciences, associate Professor, Bashkir State Medical University) Verzakova O. V., (candidate of medical Sciences, associate Professor, Bashkir State Medical University)
P. 176-180 |
Liver changes in respiratory insufficiency in patients with COPD Koloeva H. M., (Post-graduate student, Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov) Uryasev O. M., (Doctor of Medicine, professor, Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov) Didigova R. T., (Doctor of Medicine, professor, Ingush State University (Magas))
P. 194-198 |
Clinical and economic evaluation of the effectiveness of drug therapy for patients with CRC, taking into account the molecular genetic characteristics of the tumor Konstantinova J. S., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Analyst, FSBI “TsSP” Ministry of Health of Russia) Krashenkov O. P., (Oncologist, Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Clinical Hospital with Clinic" UDP RF) Poyarkov S. V., (Analyst, FSBI “TsSP” Ministry of Health of Russia) Veselovsky E. M., (Analyst, FSBI “TsSP” Ministry of Health of Russia)
P. 199-207 |
Evaluating the effectiveness of endodontic treatment when planning dental prostheticsKostenko O. Y., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after professor V.F. War-Yasenetsky) Kungurov S. V., (Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head doctor of the dental clinic WITAR, Krasnoyarsk) Moiseenko S. A., (Head of Dental Clinic KGBUZ "KMB 2", Krasnoyarsk) Kirgizova A. A., (Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after professor V.F. War-Yasenetsky) Larionov D. V., (Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after professor V.F. War-Yasenetsky)
P. 208-212 |