Novichenko O. (The North-Caucasian Federal University (Stavropol, Russia))
The article reveals the specifics of the value orientations of young people in modern Russia in areas such as family, work, religion, and morality. There is a preponderance of in the modern world the role of the paternalistic the beginning and growth of individual personal responsibility for their actions and their moral content. It is revealed, that in the minds of modern Russian youth are pushed out of socially significant values underpinning of individualistic order, at the same time, they are characterized by a conflicting settings and the absence of any integral picture of the world.
Keywords:youth, modern, value orientations, individualism, spirituality, identity, moral consciousness.
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Citation link: Novichenko O. Value orientations of modern Russian Youth // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2013. -№03-04. -С. 84-88 |