Tribunskih Natalia Ivanovna (Postgraduate, GBOU VPO "Stavropol State teacher education institution")
In the given article the system of Russian education on an example of the Stavropol province in the XX century is presented. The author considers the process of receiving education as well as the government’s attitude to the formed system of education and its activity in resolving problems in the sphere of education.
Also in the article the realization experience of different models of municipal and rural school arrangement and the process of forming national education is considered. The actual question of interrelation between officials, the church and people about the question of cooperation in mobilization’s process of attraction of the means raise.
Keywords:education, the government, national education, financing of educational system, the Stavropol Territory.
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Citation link: Tribunskih N. I. To a question on a condition of the domestic education in the beginning of XX century // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2013. -№03-04. -С. 52-55 |