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Features of formation of population Poonezhya in the early XVIII century

Pobezhimov A. I.  ()

This article describes the history of the population of one of the regions of Pomerania - Poonezhye, located in the western part of the Arkhangelsk region, Onega basin. At the beginning of the XVIII century middle and lower parts of the Onega River area were Turchasovsky camp, part of the Kargopol County. The peculiarities of the population which were largely dependent on socio-economic and political conditions in the country of the beginning of the XVIII century are determined. The main feature was the increased migration.

Keywords:Poonezhye, Turchasovsky camp, the history of the population, peculiarities of the population formation, migration.


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Citation link:
Pobezhimov A. I. Features of formation of population Poonezhya in the early XVIII century // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2011. -№02. -С. 15-19
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