Maksachuk Ekaterina (Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports)
Sport has a huge potential for humanistic affect the physical and spiritual abilities of people in their relationships. Children and youth sports schools in their efforts solve most important social problem not only make sports provision, but also foster in young citizens requirements in the sports lifestyle. An educational institution, including sports orientation, is part of the social system and represents a complete dynamic socio-educational system. The ratio of youth to physical training and sports - one of the most pressing educational problems of the educational process.
Keywords:the young athlete, the value of sports culture, the mental state of young athletes, knowledge of the sport, habits of young athletes
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Citation link: Maksachuk E. Lifestyle and behavior of students in the Youth Academy // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2011. -№03. -С. 53-55 |