Gnezdilova G. A. (Graduate student, Taganrog State Pedagogic Institute named A.P. Chehova)
In our article we described meanings of the affix –s’a in the Russian and we determined several of them such as reflexion, reciprocity and medium. They are more characteristic for examples of the XI – XIII s. The medium’s origine is analysed more carefully in the Ancient Indo-European because it was base for other meanings.
Keywords:transitive/intransitive verbs, affix, agent, patient, diathesis, reflexion, reciprocity, passivity, medium.
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Citation link: Gnezdilova G. A. Functions of the Affix -s'a in Verbs of the Ancient Russian of the XI - XIII c. in diachronie // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№01. -С. 91-96 |