Kirillov Alexey Konstantinovich (Ph.D. of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Specialized Educational and Scientific Center of Novosibirsk State University)
Alexander II's reign is remarkable not only for the "Great reforms" introduced by the government, but also for the thaw in the public atmosphere. The thaw ended yet before the last reforms. The aspiration for renovation and liberation died out by as early as mid-1860s. This shift was helped by the St-Petersburg conflagration of 1862 which made the loyalist Russian capital dwellers fear the "nihilists". Another circumstance of importance was the Polish uprising which began at 1863 and opposed the Russian national feeling to the liberal ideas of the late 1850s.
Keywords:Alexander II, Great reforms in Russia, 19th century thaw, ottepel, St.-Petersburg conflagration of 1862, Polish uprising of 1863–1864.
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Citation link: Kirillov A. K. Secrets: When Did The 19th Century Thaw End? // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№01. -С. 48-52 |