Журнал «Современная Наука»

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The Supreme Commander's Headquarters In February 1917 Revolt

Grebenkin Igor Nikolaevich  (Doctor of historical sciences, associate professor of Ryazan State University named S.A. Esenin)

The research focuses on the role and importance of the Russian Empire supreme commanders during the revolutionary unrest in February 1917. Considerable attention is paid to interaction peculiarities between the Supreme Commander’s Headquarters and different political forces’ representatives, as well as to the origin and development of the conflict between the military commanders and political leaders of the country during World War I. Main focus of the research is top generals’ position in the circumstances of the revolution outset and their participation in abdication of Nicholas II.

Keywords:World War I, the Supreme Commander’s Headquarters, political struggle, February Revolution, Nicholas’s II abdication.


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Citation link:
Grebenkin I. N. The Supreme Commander's Headquarters In February 1917 Revolt // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№01. -С. 42-47
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