Maksachuk Ekaterina Pavlovna (Ph.D. of Pedagogical Sciences, Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport (Moscow Region, Lyubertsy district))
Sport can and should be viewed as the search is inherently person, as well as ways to overcome himself. Pedagogical process Sports School should be directed to the formation of each student's internal free individual seeking their place in society according to their instincts, emerging value orientations, interests and inclinations, in order to live full, meaningful and creative life. Students in the sport School should not only train and educate, but to live a full, rich emotional life, in which they can satisfy their natural, social and spiritual needs, and prepare themselves for adult life as an independent moral, law-abiding member of society, finding its place in society.
Keywords:the young sportsman intelligence, sports education, creative thinking.
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Citation link: Maksachuk E. P. Improving intellectual and creative abilities at young sportsmen // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№02. -С. 26-27 |