Haustov Alex (Moscow Institute of Physical Culture and Sport)
In recent years the age of the beginning of occupations by combat sambo sharply decreased. Competitive practice at young combat sambo wrestlers begins in 6-8 years. Within 1-2 years there is a need to train young athletes to throws and other receptions, many characteristics differing from each other. Therefore more and more actual there is a development of such program of elementary education which will allow to optimize process of formation of impellent skills at young fighters.
Keywords:combat sambo, children, young men, Union of combat sports, Zhukovsky, Moscow region, impellent skill
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Citation link: Haustov A. Formation of impellent skills at the initial stage of preparation at children and the young men who are engaged in combat sambo // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№06. -С. 47-49 |