Lyapin S. (Arkhangel Museum for Local History; Constanta Ltd. (Arkhangel, Russia)
One of approaches locates in article to the organization service-oriented distributed information environment of a middle (branch and/or regional) level; in this context the question of creation of the distributed inter-museum electronic full-text library is discussed.
The main functional of the electronic full-text library developed now in Arkhangelsk museum of local history on the basis of information system T-Libra (development of Constanta Ltd., Arkhangelsk) is considered. In this regard the attention to the question of functioning of the distributed library environment based on principles of the federal (decentralized) organization, and possessing possibilities of the distributed full-text search is brought. Experiment on realization of such search, carried out in April, 2011 within conference «Museum libraries in the modern world», passing on the basis of Museums of the Moscow Kremlin is described.
The description of the project preparing for realization on creation in 2013-2015 of the distributed regional inter-museum electronic library in the Arkhangelsk region is given. Questions of use of offered information services for support of primary activity of a museum are discussed
Keywords:distributed full-text search, resources & services integration, museum digital library
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Citation link: Lyapin S. How to pass in the distributed library? // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2012. -№07-08. -С. 17-21 |