Ulyanova S. (St. Petersburg State Polytechnical university)
One of the main tenors of the economic policy in 1920s was a succes-sion of price reduction campaigns in industry. In the first half of the decade they were aimed at the stabilization of market relations, at the restoration of the broken links between the city and the countryside, at the social harmony; and in the second half of the decade the aim was the reconstruction of the in-dustry. The indispensable component of the policy became the real opposite to ostentatious involving of populace, as the increase of labour productivity and rationalization of industry, both causing definite problems for a worker, were claimed as an essential part of the policy. The main subject under study in this article is a constant change of presentation forms and propaganda of the slo-gan of price reduction.
The example with price reduction campaigns shows that the economic practice is being gradually involved into politics, the economic categories are filled with improper sense, the momentary success pushes the dangerous long-term consequences caused by economic decisions in the background. As a result, the excessive use of administrative price regulation turned out a growth in disproportions between its different sectors in the Soviet economy, and played its big role in the forced shift to a so called the full-scale attack of the socialism.
Keywords:New economic policy (NEP), industry, price policy, price reduction cam-paigns, consumers’ co-operatives.
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Citation link: Ulyanova S. Price reduction campaigns in the soviet economy of 1920s // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2014. -№01-02. -С. 27-32 |