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The development of personality of high school teacher in the context of professional culture

Antonova Elena Vitalyevna  (senior lecturer in Academy of Public Administration)

Skovorodkina Irina Zosimovna  (Professor in Academy of Public Administration)

The article discusses the development of personality of teacher of higher school in modern conditions. Of particular interest to us are the results of the study that allow us to draw a conclusion about the necessity of comprehensive studies of current issues for successful development of teachers in terms of introduction from 2017 of effective contract in education, considered as a new social situation, which is the starting point for all of their changes.

Keywords:development; professional culture; activity; work; personality; self-development; self-improvement; high school; effective contract in education.


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Citation link:
Antonova E. V., Skovorodkina I. Z. The development of personality of high school teacher in the context of professional culture // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№01. -С. 39-41
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