Baksheev Andrei Ivanovich (candidate of historical Sciences
associate Professor
Siberian Federal University
Siberia for inhabitants of the Russia long time remained a link place, the ter-ritory making profit of the mother country. Further development of natural resources of Siberia, increase of its population and development of the in-dustry will increase productive forces of our Homeland. However, the very Siberia and its inhabitants and remained in the colonial status, being the object of predatory exploitation of the central.
Keywords:Siberia, natural riches, industry development, state formation, New Economic Policy.
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Citation link: Baksheev A. I. Nature of colonial dependence of Siberia in the XIX - early XX centuries // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№01. -С. 9-13 |