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An effective employment contract in the system of additional education: problems and prospects of implementation

Dolgopopolova I.   (The Berezniki branch of the Perm national research Polytechnic University)

In work questions of transition to effective contracts of teachers in line with changes of system of payment are generalized. On the example of sports school legal and organizational aspects of introduction of indicators of an assessment of efficiency of activity of teachers as element of the stimulating part of their salary are analysed. By means of an expert assessment concrete and unambiguous indicators of efficiency of activity of trainers-teachers are developed and the technique of development of indicators at which the opinion of trainers-teachers was considered is approved.

Keywords:system of compensation, effective contract, indicators of efficiency of activity, trainers-teachers.


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Citation link:
Dolgopopolova I. An effective employment contract in the system of additional education: problems and prospects of implementation // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№02. -С. 75-80
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