The article analyzes the complex of pedagogical conditions of moral education of teenagers - participants of choreographic troups in cultural institutions. It pointed out that the leading role in the process of moral and spiritual consolidation of Russian society belongs to the system of cultural education. This system must be considered as a basic component of the progressive development of any society, which implements the mechanism of translation of knowledge and cultural values from generation to generation. Creative teams and cultural institutions, in particular – for children and adolescents, should be an important factor of social and cultural modernization of the Russian society. Intelligent, civil, spiritual and cultural life of Russian schoolchildren must be focused at the school, state and municipal cultural institution. The author describes the range of factors that determine the essence of the moral education of teenagers in a modernizing society, reveals the essence of pedagogical conditions of the effective organization of moral education of teenagers in cultural institutions, specifically - in choreographic troups. The attention is paid to the fact that the formation of valuable sphere is axiological basis of outlook of the person& According to this biological man turns into a social person, he interprets the world around us and our place in this world. It is indicated that the world determines the moral, ethical, aesthetic, human actions, their thoughts and moral degree of realization of these ideas into action.
Keywords:education system, teenager, culture, morality, spirituality, philosophy, values, choreographic troups, spiritual and cultural product, creative life.