Fetisova L. (Tyumen State University)
the article deals with the problem of tolerance in our modern society. The author explained the concept of tolerance, problems in teaching and educating young generation to help them in their life to be well-educated persons. The aim of this article is to emphasize that every person should be tolerant, i.e. a person should accept and understand the emergence of human individuality. As the title implies the article gives an opportunity to analyze how student personality is developed through a foreign language culture.
Keywords:tolerance, personal development, a foreign language, dialogue of cultures, perception.
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Citation link: Fetisova L. Tolerance as one of the factors in student personality development through the foreign language culture // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№05. -С. 125-127 |