The history of constitutional reforms, the development of constitutionalism, the constitutional reform as a social and legal phenomenon developed representatives of different social sciences: history, political science, theory of law, constitutional law and others.
In an effort to convert the autocracy into a constitutional and legal state, Russian constitutionalism since its inception in the late XVIII century. purposefully moved in the direction of a parliamentary monarchy, rightly seeing it as an important landmark reform of the authoritarian regime. However, up until 1905, it consisted of the development, mainly in the preparation of government and public reform projects that had no chance of practical implementation.
The government is timid and constitutionalism constitute maloavtoritetnoe direction the top bureaucracy formulated in the program of the Minister of Interior Prince PD Svyatopolk-Mirsky, presented to the king in the fall 1904 It included tolerance, empowerment of local government, loyal policy towards the outskirts of the national administration and the Council of State elected representatives of the population [8].
Thus, you need through research, comparative and systematic analysis of the constitutional reform in Russia and the evaluation of national historical and legal expertise of the constitutional reforms.
Keywords:reform, politics, modernization, a country project.