Bolgova Maria A. (PhD student, Lecturer, FGBOU IN "Russian
State University of Tourism and Service"
Fedulin Alexander A. ( Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Rector FGBOU IN "Russian State University of Tourism and Service")
Krasnova Olga N. ( Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of FGBOU IN
"Russian State University of Tourism and Service"
Higher education is currently one of the social sectors that are particularly vulnerable to change. The changes concern both the content of higher education, as well as structural reforms. Due to increased competition in the educational area, priority development is positioning the educational organization of the labor market. An indication of the characteristics becomes a vector of development of the university, which is reflected in the program of development of one or another educational institution.
The article proposes to review the information policy of the educational organization of higher education, as one of the main tools of universities competitiveness in the transformation of education. The authors propose to consider information not only as providing new knowledge and facts, but also the manipulative aspect of post content. As the thesis proposed the formation of "correct" orientation information by adjusting the methods and forms of supply, the availability of advocacy, an increase of entertainment material.
Highlighted the problems of a social nature, which are in the process of formation of an information space around educational institution of higher education. The main reasons for the formation of information policy. The basic focus groups.
The authors examine the contents and properties of information as the regulation and management of information policy in the subject system, the role and functions of information and exchange of information in the modern educational space, its types, forms, categories, fields and structure of information flows. Particular attention is paid to the main purpose of information policy - the formation of a specific opinion, expression products of the educational organization (the customer).
Keywords:transformation of education, information policy, competitiveness, information, communication, social networking, communication, social networking, image.
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Citation link: Bolgova M. A., Fedulin A. A., Krasnova O. N. Information policy educational institutions of higher education as a tool for competitiveness in the transformation of education // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ НАУКИ. -2016. -№07. -С. 75-79 |